This is the real issue here!! I know children like this. Just scared kids themselves, sure they may look like adults, but they feel and act like scared children. They hit, kick, push, pull, punch the people trying to comfort them when the
on a sensory overload. Afterwards they apologize for their outburst
and hug the person they just tried to do bodily harm to. It's a hard
and scary world. It has many names, autism spectrum, behavioral
disorders, ext. Their parents life in a virtual hell of trying to find a
way to their children's deepest thoughts or a way to just survive the
day. Some speak, some cannot speak. We are a nation full of mental
illness, full of children and adults with no help, no where to go, no
one to turn to. SOMEONE needs to step up and put an end to this
tragedy! Mental health needs to be a public topic. We need better
care, better facilities, and more resources. This shouldn't be hush
hush, and those suffering from PTSD and PPD shouldn't feel like they are
crazy and giving up on faith for needing and using medication. We need
to accept and love those that are suffering, reach out, educate, help
and listen to our friends and family. Please read this and learn more
about mental illnesses. They are real and they need more than just
"mind over matter" answers.
My story on PPD will be posted at some point...still working out the details I want to share.
My story on PPD will be posted at some point...still working out the details I want to share.