This is me. This is who I am as a woman, mother, wife, daughter of the ONE TRUE KING. These are my struggles, feelings, thoughts, ideas, and interests. May they interest you, encourage you, challenge you to move in ways you never moved before. Enjoy.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
THE MOST AMAZING Potato Cheddar Bacon Chowder EVER!!! (And I made it up myself)
4-5 Russet Potatoes, peeled, diced
4 slices of thick cut bacon, cut into small pieces
1 tbsp butter or margarine
1/8 cup of flour
1/4 cup milk
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 can chicken broth
2 cups of water
diced onion or onion flakes
minced fresh garlic or dried
1/4 8 oz. block of cheddar cheese
1/2 8 oz. block cream cheese
Fry the bacon, onion, garlic and butter together in a large dutch oven or stock pot. When the bacon is cooked through add in the flour as needed until the bacon grease is mostly absorbed by the flour. You may need more or less than listed. Once the grease is absorbing into the flour add the milk and whisk until smooth and a nice white gravy roux consistency.
Combine separately your cream of chicken soup and chicken broth with water. Mix together well and add slowly to the roux/gravy mixture in the pan. Stir well. Once blended add the potatoes and boil until they become soft. Add in the cream cheese cut into small pieces and stir until melted well. Then grate the cheese and add to the pot stirring until melted in. Salt and pepper season to taste and serve hot with more cheese and crumbled bacon on top for garnish if desired.
*Optional add-in diced cooked chicken breast, whole kernel corn, or other veggies you choose.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Toddler Pumpkin Decorating
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Fall Fun for Tots
It's chilly but nice enough and your tot is having major meltdowns. As mamas we know they need to be outside but we're at a loss for quick ways to be out and back in before we all freeze. This fall activity is quick, easy, and free.
Take your toddler on a walk. Let him lead you around the block. Find fall things like leaves, acorns, mums, bugs, feathers, ext. Collect the items in your tots Halloween pail.
Come home and glue their findings to some cardstock or construction paper. Enjoy your fall colors.
Hope you have fun. Use the things they find to talk about colors, textures, shapes, and more.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Caramel Apple Crumble Pie
Homemade Meat Sauce from Fresh Tomatoes
You will need:
10-15 medium sized fresh tomatoes (jet stars are what I had grown) ripe
1 lb ground beef
1 can sliced mushrooms
1-2 cans of tomato paste
olive oil
minced garlic
onion flakes
Italian seasoning (or basil, oregano, garlic mixture)
Large pot
paring knife
Start a large pot of water to boil and add several tomatoes to fill one layer in the pot with water nearly covering. When tomatoes begin to peel or get soft remove tomatoes to a cold water bath.
Gather another large pot and add some olive oil, about 1/8 cup or so.
Peel each tomato, use a paring knife to remove the cores, and rinse out the seeds in each pod area. Then take each tomato and hand crush them into a pot. They don't need to be finely crushed just a quick squeeze in the hand should do. You may use a strainer to strain off the juice from the seedy portions, but you will want to use that juice as well as the meaty portions, this just helps to get some of the extra seeds out.
Once all the tomatoes are crushed into the pot with the olive oil return to the stove over medium high heat. Begin to stir as it cooks and add the tomato paste to thicken as needed, and add all seasonings, salt, pepper, Italian seasoning, extra basil if you like, garlic, onion flakes, mushrooms, and cooked and seasoned ground beef. (Ground beef seasoned with onion flakes, garlic, Italian seasoning and the grease drained off).
Let the sauce thicken and cook until it's a consistency of a traditional pasta sauce.
Monday, September 30, 2013
In response to....
Deep thoughts on love....I do believe you can love many people in many ways in life. You can love friends like a family member, love family less like family and more like friends, love your "The One" and sometimes even after that love someone else in different ways. Love can grow, change, deeper, lessen, get better, fall apart....but the truth of all of these things is this kind of Love is human emotion, raw, and wrecked. Biblical love, the kind that makes that old couple last forever, now that kind of love takes WORK, hard work, and it takes realizing that just because you may feel emotional human love over and over again, that it doesn't mean you always run towards it, sometimes you have to let it be and just stay in your biblical love with the one you chose and promised you always would. And most of the time if you trust in biblical love, stick it out, and choose to stay and work hard on it, you will experience the highest of emotional loves that is humanly possible. You may even realized that the emotional love you started out attracted to your spouse by is now so much deeper that you are that cute old couple who has lasted and stood the tests of time. Don't give up on the one you chose, and don't fall for the emotional love traps, they are great, they feel so right, but they don't last as long as holding out for your forever love. :)
Jesus didn't stop loving you, and He didn't let His human emotions lead Him to sin against His father. So don't let you human emotions take off with your heart...use your head and your soul and that wonderful Holy Spirit to make the right choices and stick it out and work hard to have the everlasting love of both our savior to us and us to our mate.
Love you,
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
DIY Patio Set Refurbish...PART 2 CUSHIONS
This is a tutorial of the Seat Cushions I made by hand with NO PATTERN and just an idea in my head about how I wanted them to turn out. I liked the boxy look to the cushions I was researching and decided that it would make my fabric choices blend better and stand out more.
Here are my fabric colors:
I knew that I wanted to cover the woven seat (from part 1) with the coral color, but it wasn't until I set out to measure and create the custom cushions that I decided to make them square and add the blue color into them.
So having said that here's what you'll need to recreate my ideas (keep in mind that your measurements will NOT match mine exactly):
3/4 yd of your accent fabric (I used this as the accent color on the cushions and also as pillows, and chose a fun pattern here)
1 yd. of the cushion main fabric. (I chose a solid with texture here.)
Pin cushion and pins
Sewing supplies be it a machine or a needle and thread
Stuffing or a foam cut out in the shape of your seat
a dowel rod or wooden skewer to stuff the stuffing in good and help flip inside out
iron and ironing board
good scissors
measuring tape and cutting board/surface
So the first step was the measure and cut out the main fabric for the seat. Mine was measuring about 16x18 so I went up and added a few inches and made it 18x20. I left the natural crease uncut on my fabric.
Then I took the accent fabric and cut about 2" wide pieces to match the length of my cushion sides and the front piece. I put the pretty sides together and pinned them, then sewed them together.
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Inside out view of hole left open |
Keep in mind also that you will eventually have to add ties to keep the cushion on the chair so do not sew about an inch towards the back of the pillow where your crease side is. Leave those small holes for filling up the pillow with the last bits of "fluff" if you are using your own stuffing or just as a space to sew in those ties and also a place to flip the pillow inside out. :)
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Right side out view of the hole left at the back by the crease |
As you wrap up your cushion with the accent fabric it should look like this.
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Right side out view |
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Inside out view of the sew on accent color strips |
I will show you how to stuff and close up the whole thing and then make ties and close up around those as well in this last part:
Once it's sewn all around inside out correctly, flip the whole thing right side out through the tiny holes you left. I know it's going to be a difficult task, but it does eventually all slip through that hole and go right side out.
After it's the right way, start stuffing it with fluff stuff. If you do this method you cannot use a foam piece. If you want to do a foam piece instead of fluff you'll have to hand sew on whole side back together or leave a LARGE hole towards the back and hand sew that back together after getting the foam to fit inside.

I stuffed mine very full because I wanted the full box shape and the extra padding for my larger half.
When you are finished stuffing all you have left is to make the ties and close it all up.
For the ties you take the leftover square of fabric (you should have some left in a square shape) and you cut in into strips as long as you can get them to be.
Take the strips and iron folds into them. Fold a little bit on each side inward. Then fold those together and iron closed. sew up the seam so they stay closed and burn off or tuck in the ends and sew again. Then close up the hole in the back of the pillow with the ties sewed into the inside nice and neat. You can hand sew this closed or try on the machine which is how I did it.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Pickin' and repurpose project ONE
Some doll sized benches and step stools
A toilet paper closet with chicken wire front
A random yellow ring with spirals and a country star on it
several baskets
a few country star candle holders
many wrought iron candle holders and baskets
and a free window from my awesome neighbor.
So project #1 was to make a Mizzou wreath out of the random yellow ring thing. Here's the progress and final product.
I chose some Missouri Tigers fabric, a little tiger stripe fabric, some felt in black and some tulle in sparkly yellow/gold and black. At the end I added some gold and black ribbons.
This is the ring with the first few felt pieces on it. See the country star and the random ring with metal wound up in springs around it?
And here's what it looked like when I was all finished.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
It really is just like the commercial...
Here's the story:
So, I bought my son some cute little shorts and polos off one of the area swap shops on facebook. Yes I've also become a swap addict, but that's a post for another day. So I got his new clothes home and of course like any good mom I washed them in our laundry. They smelled really good before I placed them into the laundry to wash, but I always want to rewash things that I buy him. So I did and guess what?? They came out smelling amazing STILL. Hmm...I held my nose into them, I sniffed them on my son's body, I was obsessed with how good these things smelled. So fresh, so clean, so perfect. IS THIS AMAZING STUFF? I had to know. So I did what any awesome person does and I messaged this woman I bought them from and asked her....WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU USE TO WASH YOUR CLOTHING? She said the obvious...GAIN. Oh my goodness, she uses GAIN. I've just played right into every single one of their commercials and I am obsessed with a smell. I'm walking around with my nose buried in clothing smelling of GAIN. So of course I went out and bought it. And I still love the smell. I still pull laundry out from the dryer or wash and sniff it a ton. I'm so totally just like their commercials that it is cracking me up. I've got it bad for GAIN.
And NO I was not paid to advertise them, or put their name in ALL CAPS, or anything else. I really am just a normal mommy who was impressed with the smell and now impressed with how long it lasts and how clean my clothing is. Thanks GAIN. :)
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Dive In Friends...(Sermon in the songs series) Day 1
Anyways, here's today's sermon in a song.
I want everyone to really contemplate this message I'm about to share with you!!
First off I'll start with the lyrics that started this sermon in my mind to begin with...
Casting Crowns- Somewhere in the Middle
Fearless warriors in a picket fence, reckless abandon wrapped in common sense
Deep water faith in the shallow end and we are caught in the middle
With eyes wide open to the differences, the God we want and the God who is
But will we trade our dreams for His or are we caught in the middle
Are we caught in the middle??
Christians ask yourselves this...are you living inside your picket fence world with a heart of a warrior but no guts to really fight the battle? Are you reckless and willing to abandon all that you are and all that you know but won't because common sense tells you it's crazy? Are you faithful enough to call yourself "deep water" but yet stuck in the shallow end instead? Are we all just going to keep God at arm's length and let Him be what we create Him to be so we can keep on with our American dream lifestyles or are we really faithful enough to lay down our lives and become true disciples and follow Him everywhere He leads, be it to Africa, Middle East, San Francisco, or across the street? People won't hear the message of Jesus if we are stuck in this lukewarm world where we just won't GO when He says GO! Don't be a Jonah. I want to be Fearless, a warrior armed with my shield and sword, reckless and deep. I want to be someone that's not afraid to loose my common sense and just GO when called.
Let's look at the scriptures on this:
Revelation 3:16
So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
Hebrews 11:13 and 39-40 (Read Chapter 11 in full for context) All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth.
39 These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, 40 since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.
Matthew 14:29
“Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.
I don't want to be lukewarm in my faith. I want to be on FIRE. And what if all the men and women in Hebrews just used their common sense or stayed inside their little picket fence comfortable lives? They would have not furthered the kingdom at all. Yes, they may have done radical things and didn't even live to see the full results, but we know that radical things came from their choice to not stay in the shallow end.
Peter walked on water...common sense was completely obliterated here. Aren't you glad he chose to ignore the warm fuzzy of that boat and walk out onto that stormy sea? How would the world be changed if every person who calls upon Jesus steps out in faith and starts doing these CRAZY, RADICAL, and AMAZING feats that common sense would tell them not to do? We could really change the world, for today and for tomorrow. Trust in Jesus, take the leap of faith, and GO BIG!! Dive in friends, the deep end is waiting for you!
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Summer Reading plans for toddlers
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff, illustrated by Felicia Bond.
Day 1:
Read the book of course!
If you have access to a toy mouse use him for a buddy to read with.
Snack: chocolate chip mini cookies
Craft: cookie
Supplies needed; one piece white construction paper with circle traced on it, black dots precut out for chips, brown crayon, child scissors, glue stick.
Easy color, paste on chips, cut out. Teaches shape circle and colors brown and black.
Have your child color the cookie then use glue sticks to stick on chips. When finished help them cut their circle out.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Ok it's about time I really did something to loose 20 lbs before I'm still trying to at 500lbs :)
I'm also going to start logging my eating habits and exercise into My Fitness Pal app. Please join me on my journey and blogging my healthy living start up.
Also for those reading that have know me dealing with my PPD and other issues, I have finally weaned off medication (zoloft) down to about 25mg every 3-5 days when my head gets a tad dizzy. I feel more energy (even when I was dealing with severe RLS and not sleeping at night) and I feel myself again. Sure I'm a tad moody at times and I definitely have my burst into tears at every sentimental moment, but that's really me and I'm glad to have me back versus the emotionless pit that I was before who slept til noon before she could function each day. I'm glad to have my life back and hoping it gets better as I try to exercise and eat better. :)
I'm also now using recommended by Dave Ramsey for our meal planning. One week's menu is lasting our small family about 2-3 weeks due to leftovers. I'm also doing freezer meal parties through Hy-vee so if you have one of those check out their club room for programs like ours.
Have a great night!
Monday, April 8, 2013
What I'm Reading Now...Christian Mama's Guide series review
So here goes:
I loved the book! I think Erin MacPherson is a fabulous writer. She inspires me to be a better woman, mother, and wife. Her scripture additions to the newest book I've read are really amazing. There are moments that I look back on in my son's first year and think how did I ever do this without those prayers and scriptures to help me? Erin's encouragement through her book makes you feel like she's there with you, as a friend, as your MOPS table member, as your church Sunday school classmate. She doesn't talk above your head but rather tells her story as a fellow mom and friend. She makes things easy to understand and makes you feel like you are right there with her for all her silly and fun moments as a mom. She tells the truth about post pregnancy and newborn care. She doesn't leave anything out that I can recall. She gets information from her sisters and other friends for things she hasn't done herself but still manages to write it down so honestly and so heartfelt. I love learning about all her advice for mommas and feeling her encouragement that I can do this! Thanks again Erin for yet another great addition to your series. I look forward to reading the Christian Mama's Guide to Parenting a Toddler right away!! :)
BY THE the link of the book title to buy your copy now on :)
Sunday, March 17, 2013
How to teach your kids about EASTER through an egg...
As I was up late tonight rocking my son to sleep I started to think about how I could merge the worlds of Easter bunnies and eggs into the reality of what Easter is all about. Then it came to me, in Sunday school we compared the trilogy of God, Christ Jesus, and The Holy Spirit to an egg's shell, white, and yolk. So here's the story of Easter's true meaning in an "egg" shell. :)
Here is a simple little egg
There are three parts to this egg
There is the shell
Then the white
And finally the yolk
The egg as a whole represents the God-head, all three in one. There is God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. Each are separate parts and yet all make up the same thing, just as the egg is three separate parts all making up one egg.
The egg's shell represents God. It is hard and protects the inside parts like God is strong and protective of all the things He made and loves. It is also gentle and with a simple tap can be broken up to reveal more just like God is gentle and loving and gave us the Bible to reveal more to us about Him.
The egg's white represents Christ Jesus. The white reminds of that Jesus died so that his blood would wash us white as snow. Our sins are covered and gone and we are made new and pure as white as the whites of an egg.
The yolk represents the Holy Spirit. It is at the center of the egg just as when we accept Jesus the Holy Spirit enters into the very center and core of our hearts and lives. Also when you crack open the egg and poke the yolk it spreads everywhere it can. The Holy Spirit also will spread anywhere and everywhere there is a heart willing and ready to accept the gift God gave of his son Jesus.
I suggest dying hard boiled eggs RED to show Jesus Blood was shed to make us PURE on the inside (show the whites). And you can do a runny egg yolk experiment as well to show the spreading of the Spirit.
The most amazing thing I as an adult am just coming to understand is how if God/Jesus/Holy Spirit are all the same thing then that means the when I asked the Holy Spirit to enter into my heart, He came in and brought God and Jesus along too. So that means that I have God inside of me and I am far more powerful with Him than I can ever possibly imagine.
Happy Easter to all my friends and loved ones and I hope you can use this to teach a short but simple message of Jesus to your little ones.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Chicken and Dumplings Recipe (Pinterest tweak)
Top 10 Most "Dirty" Things You've Never Thought About
10: You vehicle steering wheel (do you ever clean it? nope. me neither. think of all the germs you have had on your hands all day that get displaced on the wheel. yuck)
9: Your credit/debit cards think of how many times per day you hand that card to someone else to swipe and they hand it back. does anyone ever clean theirs? they are probably covered in germs from other's hands and your own. ewww
8: Your purse/wallet both items are gross. Your wallet contains your dirty cards and money which is one of the filthiest things on earth, purses often get put on the floor of bathrooms or the sinks where who knows what germs lie. Also purses go on the table and spread all the bacteria they picked up off the floor to your dinner tables. yuck
7: Light switches How many times have you ever wiped down the light switch in your home? You touch them all day everyday as well as people out in businesses touch them in public bathrooms and such. Think about it.
6: Your pillow case Now some people may wash them frequently but not everyone does. Your head, slobber, and skin flakes are all over that thing nightly. Please wash them!
5: Remote control/computer keyboards/cell phone These objects are all touched daily by several people in the household and no one ever thinks to wipe them down with disinfectant. Now maybe you will do that.
4: Refridgerator handle Who remembers to wipe down back behind there daily? Not me. We touch it often though. Imagine the ones in breakrooms not just at home. Who's nasty hands have grabbed that handle today?
3: Stair/escalator railings and elevator buttons if you think of all the thousands of people going up and down stairs, escalators, and elevators in one day that's a lot of germs to place on those objects that never get wiped down.
2: Money most people realize that currency is exchanged by many people's hands and is not cleaned at any point.
1: Your belts/pants buttons or snaps Now you wash your pants we hope, but if you're like me you sometimes wear them for a few days before you wash them. Think of the first thing you touch after using the toilet? Usually it's your button or snap on your pants and then your belt. No one that I know of ever washes their belts down but think of how many germs from your restroom usage over the course of a belt's life get placed on that buckle BEFORE you ever wash up from the toilet. Bet you are running to clean that belt now :)
Well hope you enjoy my random blog today about all the things that creep me out in this dirty would. It's part of my OCD to be a bit grossed out by lots of things and overthink how germy things may be. But we should pay attention to the things we use and clean them more often. Thanks.